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Satisfied customers for over 20 years


We always prioritize our customers and have done so for over two decades. Through close collaboration, we have continuously adapted and improved our procurement system to meet the constantly changing demands of the hotel, restaurant, and staff restaurant industries. This has resulted in a wide range of satisfied customers today.



Customers on ordering and order processing:

  • «We make around 80 per cent of our purchases via Buy at Nores. It’s by far the quickest, simplest way for us as we have repeat orders almost daily. The best thing about having our own procurement portal is that you can always find all your suppliers in one and the same place. This makes our hectic working day easier, and means we can work quickly and efficiently.»

    Svante Forslund

    Restaurant Manager at Hotel Riverton

  • «I use Millum for ordering and stocktaking, as well as to get new ideas by finding products in the product catalog that I can use in my dishes. Millum helps me find sustainable food more easily.»

    Filip Cieslik

    Restaurant Manager at Sodexo

  • «Ordering routines have been significantly simplified. We have measured time in goods ordering within today's practice at Namsos Hospital. Saved time is 46 minutes per week, equivalent to 5 working days a year for just ordering of goods.»

    Bjørn Sandnesmo

    Section Leader at the kitchen at Namsos Hospital

  • «With Millum, the kitchen saves time in 3 stages; 1) ordering goods as agreed and 2) post-contractual control and 3) deviation management.»

    Bjørn Sandnesmo

    Section Leader at the kitchen at Namsos Hospital

  • «It's efficiency. Products are easily searchable, and I can choose whether I want to search in all catalogs or from a specific supplier. The shopping list feature, along with stocktaking, consolidates everything in one place. Thus, Millum is an excellent system for us in large-scale food service.»

    Fredrik Røine

    Head Chef at Sundvolden Hotel

  • «With Millum Procurement I get the correct price for all goods every time. That way, I always have full control. I simply want to thank Eurest for choosing such a good tool for us and Millum for developing it.»

    Karim Bouhadoun

    Head Chef at Eurest in Nydalen

  • «I absolutely love the shopping list function! It’s so simple! The shopping lists work really well and help me tremendously in the ordering process. It’s by far my favourite feature of the procurement portal! I also like how it works alongside inventory. I find the whole setup very simple, and I’m now hearing that it’s coming in offline mode, which is excellent!»

    Corazon Furuseth

    Head Chef at Clarion Collection Hotel Bastion

Customers on Menu Bank and sustainable optional modules:

  • «Menu Bank is an essential tool. There, we can input the number of portions to be prepared, get an overview of allergens, and receive a calculation and shopping list based on this. This means that we make far more accurate purchases for each dish. Altogether, this results in a significant reduction in both food waste and costs.»

    Stig Drageide

    Head Chef at the restaurant Theatercaféen, Hotel Continental

  • «It's fantastically simple that Menu Bank calculates everything I need to order automatically. Some dishes I know don't sell as well, while others sell better. Then I just adjust the quantity in Menu Bank and immediately know how much of each item I need to order. It saves me a lot of time both in planning and ordering.»

    Karim Bouhadoun

    Head Chef at Eurest Nydalen

  • «With Millum's CO2 calculator, we can determine the carbon footprint of the recipes we create. It's important for our employees, and it's important for customers eventually, to understand the environmental impact of a meal with meatballs compared to a purely plant-based meal.»

    Marianne Hayes Antonsen

    Sustainability Business Developer at Coor

  • «With Millum's food waste function, registration and calculation of food waste are seamless, supporting our strong focus on sustainability.»

    Marianne Hayes Antonsen

    Sustainability Business Developer at Coor

  • «With Millum's menu planner, chefs have more time to plate up and make the food look appetizing. They no longer have to worry about what to order and try to keep track of next week's menu.»

    Marianne Hayes Antonsen

    Sustainability Business Developer at Coor

Customers on the stocktaking module:

  • «I've had a completely different everyday experience since I started using the stocktaking module. Now I scan the items and they are entered directly into the system, and I can sort them exactly as I want. I have good control and avoid manual processes. We spend less time and don't need to search for prices. Now we do stocktaking 3 times a year.»

    Gunn Anita Stenstad

    CEO at Aarnesgruppen

  • «Two hours on stocktaking instead of six means four hours of overtime saved or time that can be used for revenue-increasing work, every time someone conducts a stocktaking at one of our 130 units.»

    Lars Petter Nilsen

    Procurement Manager at 4service

  • «In addition to purchasing through the portal, we also use it extensively for stocktaking. Sundvolden has around 700 item lines in stock all the time, so there's a lot to register. But since we purchase everything through the portal, it's very easy for us to generate new stocktaking lists through it, so everything is consolidated there. It was much more cumbersome when we used old Excel sheets, where half of the items weren't on the list and the prices weren't up to date.»

    Fredrik Røine

    Kjøkkensjef på Sundvolden Hotell

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